

The Building Futures project is invested in reaching the hardest to help members of the community. Our keyworkers will arrange to meet participants in a location that is comfortable to them. Buckinghamshire has a large rural community and this means the project will be able to help people who have not been able to access support in the past. Examples of meeting venues:

Libraries: We have agreed private spaces at the library to provide participants with support.

Partner Venues: Our partners have venues across Buckinghamshire that we can use to support you. These venues may also run a job club where we can support with applications.

Café: If you feel more comfortable we are pleased to meet in an informal setting.

Home visit: this is assessed on an individual basis where required.


We understand that each participant has a different learning style and we will tailor the support to meet your needs.

Digital: If you are comfortable we can use online training packages to help you move forward. This could be good if you are not ready to join a group session.

Paper: Not everyone likes to use a computer and while we will support you to use IT we can use paper materials instead.

Dyslexic: We will provide coloured paper activities to help in your activity work.

Learning style: Our keyworker will work with you to find the best method for your learning


The project works with a variety of partners and if you have a barrier that is restricting your learning and development that may require specialist support we will work with you to source what is required.